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Rank Trooper
Service # A-117253
Unit # C.A.C.R.U., REC
Resident Chatham
Books Of Rememberance Page Available

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore of St. 265 Clair St., Chatham. He was married to Margaret and they had two children Bobby and Richard, they were living in Chatham. Prior to the war he was employed at the Chrysler Company.

Trained in Windsor, Chatham and Camp Borden. Went overseas in February 1944 and served in England. Promoted to Corporal.

The CDN 25/04/44 reported that Tpr. Moore was spending a 16 – day furlough from Camp Borden, ON.   

Date of Discharge: March 27th 1946



Sources  Mitchell’s Bay R of H, CDN (20/07/44)
Age born 1920
Birthplace Chatham
Religion Anglican
Marital Status Married
When Enlisted February 1943
Next of Kin Mrs. Ray Moore Jr. (Wife)

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